Just Vibrations. Nothing more. Nothing Less.
My Dear Friends,
The Matrix was very potent when all of us were first exposed to it. It was inspiring and visionary. None of us talk about it anymore .Most people cant think of The Matrix creation independent of the Warchowski Brothers. It has a separate existence, that was raped and plundered by the capitalistic tendencies of the offspring fucking Warchowski faggots. This script is dedicated to the original vision. Please forget the 3rd part while reading this script.
This script comes just after the sequel Matrix Reloaded.
Remember that Neo just met the Architect, gave away the whole ( minus zion) human race to be killed and saved Trinity. He then stops the sentinels in the real world after the machines bombed the Nebuchadnezzar.
The Source
The Source is the supplier of information to the mind. Since all of us live in the same world,we all have basically same information with differences in space and time coordinates. The difference in our coordinates generates all other differences in perspective and experiences creating individual subjective experiences. The only thing that holds us to a collective social sanity is the similarity in the world we live in. If the source was different for different ppl, we would be living in our own worlds, incoherent of each other. In the real world the source is the real world.
Fade in-Matrix Revolutions matrix font opening title-
The title (Matrix Resurrected) forms and approaches…Engulfing the screen…Zooming into the opening titles..Diving into the matrix symbols..the matrix symbols taper into the horizon….in a sky and earth of code…and then u skim at warp speed through the symbols and then u see it….An immense white gigantic star in a universe of code….The Source…and the code emanates from it and converges into it simulataneously in all directions…The rays are bright white but emit green rays of light which is the code…

Plunging deep into the source…u see it….deep within…the fuel that burns the sources flame…the fuel is darkness…The darkness grows into a huge nebula of darkness…pure infinite beautiful black space…black like no light ever touched it….
A single white light twinkles in the all encompassing dark night…at first u wonder if u saw it….then u see it….A single white star light years away in the blackness…twinkling in the impossible black sky…
A shockwave bursts from the far away twinkling light realising a beautiful meadow with a blue sky and morning light….and then u continue seeing the meadow with the wind blowing the blades of grass…and the camera pans and u see two ppl on the meadow….
Neo is lying down and a wasted dirty long haired guy of Jamaican descent (Leon) relaxes around in the distance.Neo wakes up. He sees a perfect meadow and a blue sky with a yellow sun.He stands up and sees Leon looking at him .He stands back to absorb the scene.Everything was at peace with Leon and He with everything else.
Neo strides towards the dude.Leon opens his eyes and smiles an open smile.
Morning Neo
Neo looks at him bewildered for sometime….and then around.
Where am i?
This is a matrix,Neo.
Neo looks around but something is wrong.It looks like the matrix but it isnt.He “sees” the code everywhere but for some reason it emerges from the dude.He sees the dude’s code everywhere including in himself.
Who are u?
Leon….I am the one Neo…just like u…You hit the source dude.Happens to the best of us.
Neo stares at the smiling dude.
I need to get back to Zion
Dude shakes his head …
You are here Neo….What that means is u ve done all u could….Thank you for taking part in the resistance….Welcome home…
Neo looks around at the meadow and the sky
What is this place?
Leon looks around with a perplexed expression….
How do I put this?….ummmm….Theres only one way u ll understand….
Remember one thing….When everything turns dark…be calm and… hang on….IT ll come to you then
Neo smells something fishy…
What ll come to me then…
The light….
and withdraws*…
The Horizon is eclipsed in darkness.The darkness grows from there spreading to sky and earth, eating up the dudes matrix.It grows in size and Neo finds darkness approaching him and the dude from all directions…..
The dudes code just keeps vanishing and the blackness comes dangerously close.Neo gets perturbed.
Whats happening?
The dude continues to chill ….
The darkness touches Neo
Stop it…
Neo charges the dude…He gets dangerously close but the darkness catches up and Neo vanishes in the darkness.The approach is also arrested
The darkness stops just around Leon chilling on the grass.
Shot of a guy smoking on a tuft of grass floating in nothingness.
Dude looks at the joint..”What?!?…Dude needs to know where he is…
….If he wants to get out.”
Normal Zion Hospital room…with gadgets and greyness and lack of any kind of capitalistic esthetics.Trinity sits waiting over Neos body.Morpheus walks in quietly.Trinity turns and looks up at him.
We cant find his signal anywhere.
The Oracle would know.
The Oracle is missing….We cant find her…The Matrix is changing ,Trinity…Like nothing we ve seen before…
Morpheus takes a breath in….and looks insightful…
What is happening out there?
The machines…they are not fighting us anymore….
Who are they fighting then?
Morpheus smiles and looks at Neo
Smith…He has the Oracle too…
The Merovingian wants to have a word with us
Trinity looks up with alarm
Morpheus looks down calmly
It wont be a trap.We fix the meeting place this time.He wants something from us this time.
Trinity looks down
U think he can help us with Neo?
We shall see.
Shot to a tall building on a wrecked street and camera zooms to the basement.
Nice corridors lead to a room in the basement..
The room looks like a shit hole…
Trinity and Morpheus wait...
Telephone rings and the Merovingian and the Twins appear
Morpheus….Ze beautiful Trinity….How nice to see the both of you..
What do you want?
Trinity…please…Zis is business….I don’t trust you to be a good at MY business…(pause)…but I have a proposition…something good for yewer business….
Trinity looks at Morpheus…
This is abt Smith…isn’t it?
Merovingian looks at Morpheus and he curses in French…this time nothing like a silk towel on a babies buttocks…
^&%^!!!...Zat smeeeth…Never seen anything like eeet… like a virus …spreading with each kill…(pause)..The Eyes of Ze Oracle is with it…It sees without time now….
He reminisces…
Shot of Armies of Smiths walking in a city…
They turn at one corner…and helicopters and tanks and missiles await at one corner…The armies stop at some distance from the opposition…The opposition consists of humans and agents(non smith agents)….lots of cops,military ppl…and agents…lots of them…guarding a tall building…
Shot to the Eyes on One Smith….are different from the rest…
He walks and sees while everyone is frozen….The Oracle Smith…..
The Oracle smith breaks from the formation and takes out his glasses and sees and smiles…The Tall building is the same as where Trinity and Morpheus are meeting the Merovingian…(but its in order and the street is civilized)
Smith then puts on his shades and takes out his pistol
Time resumes while he shoots indiscriminatingly at the crowd in front of him…and then it starts….a full scale war in the middle of bustling city…The intimidating powers of destruction of the opposition anhilate 1000s of Smiths…but the numbers get overwhelming…..The retreat begins…Agents getting converted to smiths…and so do humans….and then in the end there is no one but Smith….and his silence.

He walks into the building and everyone else(again smiths) looked like they forgot the war had just happened….Smith walks down into the basement…down the nice corridors and waits….More smiths join outside the door Morpheus and Trinity just entered….and then they kick it in…Shot of door being kicked open in a white clean neat room…with screens...with different video images…and the Architect on his chair…
Smith….The virus at my doorstep now…How honoured I am…what r u gonna do now?...Run the whole matrix?... Let me tell u…u ll destroy all the crops including urself…
Smith smiles
No Mr Architect(pronounces it with clenched teeth)…I am the Matrix …the Crops…and I will soon be you….
Smith converts the Architect to another Smith…
Architect Smiths looks around…
Architect Smith-
Destroy everything…
He looks at the other agents…and the Architect’s beautiful,Spartan room gets mothered.
Shot to the Same basement with Trinity,Morpheus and Merovingian…
You see…I cannot fight him alone….It ees selfish but I do not deny your gain if u accept zees partnership…
Merovingian looks at cynical Trinity
My dear Trinity…Smith can copy humans locked in their pods in your real world(points to the outside of the room)…Do u know what that means??....He will be next to you in Zion tomorrow if u allow him to run free….U don’t have a choice…Zis is a matter of survival for both u and me….and also ze machines…
And he smiles his naughty smile…
Where is Neo?
Yes…Neo…His time is up…He is in the first matrix…(pause)..Ze perfect world they say..That’s where all “ze ones” go…What has happened is the same as before yet not the same...Neo had chosen to let the humans in the matrix die….The machines will try to shut down the matrix but Smith has taken the Architect….The crop fields will be attacked soon to stop the Smiths but it wont help….The Architect knows how to enter the first matrix… Smith will open the door soon…The corridors are to be accessed from zis building…
We have to be zere before he is…
What do we do then?
U take ze body of ze one and enter Machine Sector 7…Needless to say u will face opposition…
Shot to sector 7…
Heavily guarded machine city in the Real world….small room with screens and ONE jacking chair…has this uncanny resemblance to the architects room…but this one is old dirty and not white…
Perfect Matrix-
Shot to nothingness with the dude on the tuft of grass…
The Dude floats in space on his patch…
His eyes look around while rolling a joint….then he sees it…a white far away light again...
It gets brighter….and then there is an explosion….
Neo stands in a more urban environment….Neo generates more and more of the background detail…till the sky and the earth meet again…this time…the code from Neo….except the dude…he chills in his own space…the meadow and grass…
Neo looks around and sees this time the code is from him….Everything here is a part of him…everything except Leon.
What is this place??Y do I have so much power??
Infinite power my friend…Power to create and destroy….and to live with true equals…who YOU cant rule or submit to…Your own space…infinite and beautiful…perfect I would say…
Neo looks at his hands and his hands get claws,scales ,a glove and then a gun…and the gun vanishes…
Neo looks at the dude nerved..
How is this possible?
Hmmm….The source…Its like this Neo…All living beings have the source in them….Everyone is connected 2 the source….They see everything in space and time through the source…The source tells them where and how and why everything is… . The ones have a peculiar relationship with the source…not because we are peculiar…but because of how we use it…In our respective fields…we can see the life behind the source…We see through it….see what is beyond…We play with it…U activated the source Neo….Which means u became too powerful for the source so it just ejected you to this reality…The source bends to ones power…Ppl with powerful presence can change ppls perception of reality…Some ppl call it “convincing”…others power…There is no source here…Reality is what u wish it to be…No race for power here…
Neo reminisces…
I was in the real world…I could feel the sentinels…and I stopped them…It was overwhelming…Feeling everything in the real world…I remember white firy light…How did I get here from the real world?…
The physical world does not exist without a mind perceiving it.The mind has a relationship over matter.All minds are connected to each other through matter or none of us would know the existence of another.The source of the matrix has the peculiarity that it is also connected to the same physical world and therefore to all minds including yours.The Machines haven’t figured out this relationship…but that doesn’t stop a few humans in doing so..
The Ones….We understand it…and this is our escape??
He looks around at the recently generated reality…
…Can i leave this matrix?
I wouldn’t call it escapist…and abt leaving..Yes and no…
Why are u here?…Why didn’t u save the others??
Dudes eyes become larger….
My dear Boy….dont let ur cynicism get the better of u…
And then the Dude proceeded to show Neo the whole universes that he had power over…
Shot to Trinity and Morpheus having a dialogue with one of the elders.
Well Morpheus…I have always had faith in you…Do what u must…
We need the Guardship…
Elder raises his eyebrow…
We need the best….You know what we are up against…No one has ever done this before….
Elder nods his head…
Don’t think our walls can hold them off much longer now…make haste…
Shot to immensely huge battleship….that Morpheus commands….
He walks down the command room into sickbay
He sees Trinity with Neos body.
The gigantic vessel leaves zion and starts traveling towards the machine world…
Shot to Twins in the matrix…
Twins walk through doors in the corridor….They stop at one door and open it and enter another corridor with more doors…they take a look into one of the corridors and they see them….The agents walk protecting one agent…
Twins to each other-
The Architect....
The Architect agent clicks the lock on one door and the twins charge…
Bish bash…dishoom dishoom….great fight sequences…
The Architect agent opens the door…and walks in and closes the door… …but the Merovingians phone also slips through…
Shot to Morpheus and Trinity going through resistance on their way to the sector 7…emps and missiles and explosions on the house…They fight and enter the room with one jacking chair and screens…
Shot to Perfect matrix…
Neo creates something beautiful…and the dude is impressed…
The Dude-
Everything that is beautiful…has to be alive…there is no beauty in total lack of life….that is why we exist…and no beauty exists without a beholder…
Mr Anderson….
Neo whirls around to see Smith
..We meet again…….So this is it…..The perfect matrix….Do u like it??Your mind free to do anything now..or have u figured it out?... Why one million human beings died here…??
Neo looks mean…
U don’t belong here
Neither do u….
He is cut off by the Dude
Dude smiling….
Leon…I don’t believe we have met…
Smith looks at the smiling dude…and his outstretched hand…
Neo sees whats gonna happen…
Smith penetrates the dude and creates a wall to cut Neo off…
Neo breaks through the wall and sees 2 agents….
Neo fights a gods war now….reality changes and universes fly by…but hes fighting a loosing battle with the 2 agents…and then something happens…there is silence and everything freezes…and 4 ppl(THE FORMER NEOS) stroll into the scene…and look at frozen neo and agents in mid fight…one of em is a chick.
One of the four destroys one agent who breaks into many pieces…each piece becomes another agent…
Now there are more agents …
The Ones scratch their heads figuring out their next move….when in the silence a phone rings….the phone the twins threw in…
One of the four tells the others….by just looking at the phone
Its not for any of us
The chick looks at Neo and sez….its for him….
She puts the phone next to Neos face and clicks her fingers…
The paused war had someone press play…The phone placed next to Neos ear dematerializes Neo…
Shot to Morpheus and Trinity in Sector 7-
As the twins phone flies into the black room of the perfect matrix….Morpheus receives a message…and he jacks Neo in…
And Neo wakes up in the real world….
Morpheus sits silently….thinking
Why didn’t the One fight back when Smith copied him?
Neo sits looking ruffled…silent.
He reminisces and sees the peaceful smile.
I don’t know.
Neo looks at Morpheus and asks pensively…
Have the machines attacked?
Yes…They have breached the air tunnels.The resistance is presently holding on.We don’t have much time now.
Neo…The first matrix….What was it like?
Neo looks down and his face fills up with feeling..
It was beautiful .
He looks up
Why did all those people reject it and die?
He looks at Trinity…
I was happy there….Never been so happy about anything in my life for a long time….till …
Face grimaces-
Smith walked in….I don’t understand anything…How can Smith be so powerful now…
Neo…We can only know how he got his power and what that means to us….The reason for a Powerful Smith in this world does not exist…let us use his power to our advantage…We will discuss this in the matrix…We meet the Merovingian now…
Neo looks at Trinity-
The Merovingian???
Trinity looks at Morpheus and then Neo-
Hes on our side for the moment….and he helps..
Shot to Merovingians basement-
All of them are sitting
And Smith will not deny what we give him…He doesn’t have a choice in this matter…It is what he wants…and because of this he will fall.
And what if he doesn’t?
Then it is up2 you zen Neo…U are ze one…
And sniggers…
Let us begin…
Shot to Real World aboard the Guardship…
Morpheus talking to communicator in Zion
We need one person in the real world copied by smith…
We have one person…Lieutenant Bane…what do u want with him???
Jack him in…We ll tell u where and when to do it…Just be ready with him…
Shot to Neo in the Matrix
Trinity is the operator now….
Neo walks with Morpheus…(like the old times)
Trinity-take a left…Yeah…that’s the building…
There are agents all over the place…
Trinity guides them through…and takes them to the room with a weird door…The Oracle agent sits waiting….
Oracle Smith-
I knew you would come….I foresaw…but I don’t understand...U have come here to open that door and I see myself walking through it….but what is on the other side??
Neo looks at Smith…
U cant see beyond the choices u haven’t made…
Morpheus picks up his phone and sez
The Oracle agent stands up…the phone rings and Bane Smith materializes…
Oracle Smith looks at the other Smith wonderstruck…
Neo proceeds to the door draws a key…and opens the door…
The Door….opens up to universe of straight lines and clarity…with straight lines stretching out straight to an infinite horizon....The Door to the Machine world..

Morpheus grabs the agent and drags him…Oracle smith starts to fight…
Hardcore action sequence …where Neo and Morpheus fight the Smiths…They don’t allow Oracle smith to enter…but they force the other smith in…The other side has clean cut lines all the way to the horizon and smith shreds to pieces and warps into the door….like to another dimension…
As soon as he warps….Oracle Smith freezes…only his eyes are open…
Neo closes the door and throws away the key… and Morpheus and he leaves… and the Oracle smith is left frozen alone in the room again…
He begins to see what has just happened…He sees himself warping through the machine world….he becomes the sentinels…the bombs….everything….
(The door that was opened…opened to the machine world )
Shot to War sequence in real world…
The machine world shuts down….as it fights against smith….
Morpheus talking to Zion
We have exactly 4 minutes now…
The Oracle smith sits and thinks…
He sees the machines fighting him in the machine mainframe…and then he understands what he needs…He remembers the Architect Smith copying the dude….Copying the one would enable him to destroy the power of the machines…
He walks to the door of the perfect matrix again…
He enters…and he sees the dude and the architect…
Its impossible…how did u manage to…
Dude…I m the ONE…
The dude pierces the Oracle Smith and draws out the Oracle..
The Oracle smiles…-
There there…Its almost time isn’t it..
Dude turns to the other ones…
Yeah….The partys gonna start soon…
They smile as they wait…
Int Nebuchadnezzar-
Morpheus and Trinity hug Neo…Neo smooches her and bids his last respect to Morpheus…The crew also wish Neo goodbye…
Morpheus turns and looks at Neo
“U said the Prophecy was a lie…”
“I was wrong Morpheus…I m sorry”
Morpheus bows his head…
Neo jacks his head in…
Neo walks into a street in the matrix…
He sees a leaf on a fence….He points at it with his index finger and raises it….and then allows it to float in the wind away….
“I m gonna miss this”
He smiles and then struts down the street ….
Then as he walks he sees it…and his smile vanishes slowly…
The whole street…The cars…the cops…everyone was smith….and it fills up this eerie feeling in him….
He begins to get pissed…..he concentrates on the Smith…and goes deep within him…deep….deeeeeppp…within him…and sees the difference…and then destroys the Smith half…
One by one…he touches smiths all freeing themselves…a whitish blue light cracks and they break…The humans break out of the shell…free….
He continues doing this for sometime…
Int Nebuchadnezzar as it makes its way to Sector 7 again…this time in total peace…tnx to Smith attacking the machine world…they proceed to some machine room…
Int Matrix
Neo still fights the smiths…And then he sees a non Smith approaching him…The Merovingian
Yezz…I have something to give you…
And he takes out a Key…
I don’t sense the link up…
Well Morpheus and Trinity are on it…They are very dependable…Its just a matter of time…
Neo pockets the key…”ok”
And goes back to screwing the Smiths …
Shot to Guardship…
“Everything is up and running..8 flag ships heading towards the crop fields…”
The guardship fights the machines trying to destroy the smith crops…great action sequence…
Morpheus and Trinity get off the Nebuchadnezzar and split up….take care of their respective objects in the mission…and they link up…some computer gadgets in the Machine sector 7…
INT Matrix-
Neo stops…He sees a crow flying from a building…then sees a ripple flowing out a door in a building…and then another crow taking off the same way as the first one…
Neo smiles and sez….
De ja vu…
Neo flies to the door…He takes out the key…turns and looks at the Merovingian…The Merovingian drives away in a limo waving…and then Neo draws his breath and turns the key and opens the door…and enters….The door opens to nothingness….and then it sucks the whole matrix in…
A black hole tears up the environment….All living beings are sucked in…in the hordes…
All of humanity hooked up to the matrix feels the pull of that one door…the great magnitude of life flies into that door….
INT perfect matrix-
6 Neos stand in symmetry like 6 of diamonds in a pack of cards…in mid air floating at the
gates….and then they see it….the smith bodies flying in
the air.,…and as each comes near a neo…a whiteelectric
charge touches them…and the smiths crack and free
themselves into ppl… who go into the perfect matrix…millions of ppl free and powerful…gods in themselves…with infinite equal powers,,,and the powers start creating themselves….universes and new existences are created by their wills…Life in all its diversity and flavours is created from the difference in lives and ppl in the perfect matrix…and then…
Int real world…
The crops…all the crops start shutting off….the code is
copied and placed in the perfect matrix…the bodies are rejected
by free minds…and life continues in the perfect matrix
where these ppl lead perfect lives forever….while their bodies rot in the real world…
Morpheus and Trinity back the guard ship off…The crops are attacked by machines…and they were all destroyed in the 4 minutes…Most of humanity had left the matrix by then… Smith continues his war against the machines in the machine world..It lasted the machines 6 years…by which time the survivors of Zion nitpicked and destroyed the whole of the machines….with the help of the ones that is…and the ones show them the truth that if they are nice and good then the machines they create will also be nice and good…
The End
Morpheus and Trinity have interracial sex also since Neo left them for high things in life…