Just Vibrations. Nothing more. Nothing Less.
Wrrrrooooom...WWWWRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOMM...The sound of an Engine in our Space....Such a sound doesnt exist in Rowling Space(excluding Muggles ofcoz)....Now shes got some damn good ideas for our space k...Lets call our space Real Space...
Now a Horcrux ,as defined in Rowling Space, gives u extended life by storing a "piece" of ur 'soul' in material objects.

A Horcrux in Our Space would probably be something like Info on ur DNA that allows cloning with Memory transfer...The Info could be anything from a cell from ur body to a comp file..Memory Transfer; i doubt the possibility coz nothing that works in this way is known to me yet...Also when the Person who wishes to live beyond his Bodily death using a Horcrux must have some way of transfering his most recent memory to the Horcrux Memory Holder so that the person who is then created from cloning will believe that he is the same guy and therefore escaped death...
The Pensieve
A remarkable Idea...Brilliant i would say...The Pensieve allows u to enter into Peoples Memories and enables u to walk around the worlds that existed then and be the total objective observer...

Now in Rowling Space the memory is just a whirl of smoke that can be drawn from ur head with a wand...and put in2 a bottle or container of sorts...
One problem is we have many theories abt Reality..Some ppl think that there is only Subjective Reality (ie Ppl live in their own realities and each reality is diff) but who cares abt that...
Rowling Space Presumes an objective reality that we are all a part of...and all see in the same way...
She induces subjectivity by using tactics like smoke and stuff(i guess its ok)...
Converting it into our space...The Pensieve basically a Virtual Reality that can be loaded on to ur comp or a VR room,anything that is capable of handling the detail of our reality....But the hard thing is reconstruction of this reality ACCORDING to some guys memory...
The Point I thought would make most sense originally was that People dont usually know whats behind doors when they pass by them....But in Rowling Space when ur using the Penseive in someones Memory U can walk behind the door that the person has passed and see what the hell is going on behind that door(Even tho u shouldnt coz the person passing the door shouldnt recollect whats behind the door coz he hasnt seen whats behind the door)...But its there as real as everything else in Rowling space for all Memory Trespassers to see....How is this possible??....How can anyone see something that the Person whose Memory they are using hasnt seen??
The Answer i think comes from Rowling herself...The Woman has this uncanny ability to stick with the basic fundamentals of the Truth....Reality has a fractal nature ie u can recreate the whole of it using only but a part of it(eg u can get the whole image of a Hologram by just using a part of it...or u can create a whole living mammal with just using one cell of that animal)...so the memory that goes into the Pensieve actually regenerates the whole universe at that spacetime...Pretty brilliant!
Converting into real space would be hard because u ll need a really powerful computer depending on the nature of detail u would like to see from the memory and "IF" the comp will ever have the software to regenerate reality...

Invisibility Cloak
Haha...I think our Real Space is closest to creating this...Though perfectly i dunno...The Invisibility Cloak in Rowling Space basically makes u invisible by wearing it....and makes all points that it covers ahem Invisible...
In our space some Japanese guy i think..designed a suit that had a camera on its back....All it did was take videos of what was going on behind the wearer and project it on the front part of his suit...so the illusion of transparency comes in...Damn cool Idea...

I think thats Enuff Analysis for now...Laterzz...