Call of the Aether.

Just Vibrations. Nothing more. Nothing Less.

Friday, August 26, 2005


The Crazy Guy

Three months ago, my plane crashed somewhere along the border between Iran and Pakistan. A local tribesman (or boy) took my body to his village. I asked him later why he did. He said it was because I was the only one who was alive amongst the carcasses. His sister and mother cared for me and got me healthy again. In return I learnt their language.

My adventure began on a hunting ride with Nadir(the tribes boy).We were looking for wild goats when it suddenly struck me that Nadir’s Village lacked men. I asked him why. He said a local Warlord had massacred the men folk over some issue. The women of the village were waiting for their boys to grow up to have men back in their village. Nadir didn’t want to grow up. He wanted to behead the War Lord.

He had a plan. He kept running through his plan over and over again. The first time it sounded juvenile. The second time it was irritating. The third time I told him to shut up. I asked him if he knew where the War Lord lived. He said yes. I asked him if he ever saw where the War Lord lived. He said no.

So our hunt was redirected to a human instead of goats. The Warlord had a nice house I must say, but what caught my attention was 25 million dollars walking around his compound. Six feet and eight inches of it. This time I had a plan.

We went to the city bought ball bearings, catapults, formaldehyde, and ofcourse weapons. We camped outside the house at night. Nadirs prey came out to watch his herd move to some ranch somewhere. When everyone left, the Warlord stood watching his herd passing into the horizon romantically. Nadir walked right behind him and threw a knife. The knife pierced into his head and he fell off the horse. What followed was disgusting.

He put the head into the formaldehyde bag.It was my turn now. Nadir showed me where the guest quarters of the house were.The door was open. I walked in with my catapult drawn. He was old and resting.His body was long and his eyes were wise.I let go off the stretched string easily and the metal ball went through his head.

I put the head into my formaldehyde bag and rode to Nadirs village and got my stuff .Then I rode to the India-Pakistan border where I bribed a Pirate DVD dealer to smuggle me in. In the end I was in Delhi in front of the US embassy with a head in my bag.The whole journey took 8 days. They gave me the 25 million without much fuss. They took credit ofcourse. I gave it to them. His Karma was too heavy for my shoulders.

Sweet. And it says a lot about your own mind. I won't name the "mystery man", but let me tell you, even a slow seven-year old could figure that one out.

But the last line...that line is worthy of a whole book. A philosophy.

If you flesh out the story line it could be a bloody cool, funny novel of ideas.
Nice! not that I am much of a writer to comment, but I have to agree with Yohan, this could easily be a very cool novel [and funny too!]
Yeah i guess it might work as a novel...but I think "he" ll either die or get caught by the time I m done with the novel...if I did write one I would put Catch 22 as the benchmark...not in the same genre but the same fairness that that story had...and the humour with which Heller depicted the Insane logic of this world...
".but I think "he" ll either die or get caught by the time I m done with the novel..."

dude?? the worst thing you can do is give off the ending before you even write it!!!
anyways.. give it a shot, he can be 'the last male-afghan!' or even 'the maletrix'
read it, in a way internalised it while reading it. dint appear too funny to me tho. but the suspense lasts all thruout and the ending...allrite. we can begin from the very end all over again yeah.
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