Just Vibrations. Nothing more. Nothing Less.
My dear Dudes and Dudettes,
After a long period of unrest and ill definition,I decided to Blog today.The topic is deeply philosophical and has practical aspects to it.Allow me to introduce this Blog.
I saw The Last Samurai yesterday.The first time I saw this this movie was on Kilaras Laptop in IVihar.Added to this discomfort,the print was shitty and the cd was scratched.I hate Tom Cruise today and so did I on that day.Sadly they need him to market the movie and cash their profits.Apart from all this,I think the movie is Brilliant.Edward Zwick is a Formidable director.
My Aesthetic picked up on this brilliant line of serenity in the movie.The character Katsumoto

leads this beautiful hermetic life in the hills dedicated to studying the Art of War.His life is dedicated to the Human Spirit and sincere in its pursuit of the ideal Warrior.All nice and romantic but what is the point? Its more like three points actually.
1)The Samurai in this movie were Buddhist,practised meditation and sought the Stillness of the Mind
2)The Kundalini Awakening
3)The Year 2005
Haha...A nice threesome.
The Kundalini Awakening is a phenomena that comes about at some point in a persons life.Needless to say that it is a form of Nivana,emancipation etc etc.Why I am into the Kundalini right now...is for other reasons.
A few days ago while I was sleeping,my head was resting on my right hand and the latter promptly went off to sleep.Now I awoke at some point and thought that my right hand was up at a right angle with the index finger pointed at the roof.But then I saw my hand on the bed,limp and unconscious(while still feeling that that very hand was pointing up).I was going through waves of trippiness coming from my "hand" pointed at the roof.I guess the trippiness was caused by the blood re entering the limp hand but the result of all this is something else.
I discovered that the mind has this Matrix of "Livingess" that is forced upon the real body.Now at most points these coincide bringing about a well coordinated mind body relationship.There are fuck ups like mine and the Kundalini.Now according to some very popular ppl they say that - in this Matrix that the mind "thinks" IS the body, there is one region that has immense power.The Power lies in a Potential form but when awakened shoots up into the person.Now this Potential Power the mind "thinks" exists resides at the base of our spine.That region is called the Kundalini.They say it is like a coiled serpent when awakened the serpent of energy snakes up our spine and lots of trippy shit follows.
If you want to get into this, read The Serpent Power by Sir John Woodroffe aka Arthur Avalon.Pretty popular book.
Ok if u remember -The Kundalini Awakening has something to do with Samurais and the year 2005.Lemme get to that.
The Tao,The Qua,The Holy Ghost(??),The Krishna etc is becoming one with whatever ur doing.If u guys have seen that Animatrix series theres one with the 100 m runner.

The story is that this guy runs so well that his mind couldnt be controlled by the matrix anymore.He begins to break from the matrix in the middle of a race.

Then an agent pops up and shoots his ass down.Whatever.
Some ppl would say this guy had a Kundalini awakening.Now according to Indian Philosophy u can "awaken" your Kundalini by meditating and saying prayers.I think you can attain it with actions where you are one with your action.You need total control of the Mind though.They say the mind is but a tool but in most of our cases the tool controls the User.Pretty cool I would say.Thus only after you attain Stillness of the Mind,The Taming of ur Wild Spirit-is anything possible.Thus the admiration for the Samurai and their pursuits.

Now what does this have to do with the year 2005.Like Tuvoks folks I m gonna try my hand at some spiritualism.The chilledoutness of a weed smoker is damn cool but its not eternal and its kinda juvenile.Lets see what others kinds of Peace are out there.