Call of the Aether.

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Saturday, October 22, 2005


An Interview with Satan

No introduction needed for our guest today...We all know him...Ladies and Gentlemen this is Lucifer.

So Mr Mephistopheles...tell us more about yourself..

Satan:Well...honestly...I m not so bad...its just the Judo-Christians who made me so infamous...When I was created by..let me re iterate...I was created by the all powerful God...and He created me for a reason...

You were created...hmmmm...but many look at you as his counterweight...his yang...the imbalance for the that the reason...

Satan:No,no,no...the reason is more subtle...The saying goes that the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to make the world believe that he doesnt exist...I dont...I m not "real" in the true sense of the word....uhmmm...I am the weed that grows in your garden...the wind and the snow that blows down on the mountain climber...I am all the pleasures in the world...I am the jail where people suffer their pain...I make fun of everything and have respect for nothing except Time...

Why Mr Mephistopheles...I didnt know that you were responsible for anything except sin...

Satan;haha...well thats how the media has been treating me...Some people...they treat me with anger,resentment and expulsion...lets put such treatment as grade A.Now there are those who fight me and manage to win the battle at points with concentration and discipline peacefully.Lets put such treatment as grade B.As you can see Grade A ppl are more tense...they treat me with fear and emotion...Grade A ppl might win the battles but loose the war..Grade B ppl are better off at winning the war..

The War Mr Mephistopheles...what are you talking about...

Satan:Forgive me...My job is such...People like to dualise black or white...good or evil and such....there are evil times in my life...The war with man starts of as a fly bugging him and might end up in fratricide or insanity...why is there such a force in life?....its not upto is upto the individual...the more they ask for evils the more I give them...

Hmmm....Name some of these Evils...

the most popular ones are sloth, greed, gluttony, lust, pride, wrath and envy.They are the most famous ones coz theres an infinite supply of em...You can ask as much of these evils till u die supplicating to it...

Who is your greatest friend?

Satan:Time...On a long enough timeline ,everyone falls...The Only Person who can beat one who can beat Time...that is the war...and the Victor almost always is Time...

What will befall those who fall for your evils...and those who do not...

For those who will be tempted...time will change everything...and those who do not...time will be to their advantage...

As simple as that?

As simple as that...

Looks like Lucifer is now playing Mr. Spammer, and is trying to lure you into the sin of greed. Will Madz fall for it or will he not? Find out, next week, on "An Interview with Madz"!
Actually this post isnt too great...I was just bored...and I didnt get my thoughts out clearly...:)
Actually this is your best post in a long time. Especially the mountain climber thingie. It almost seemed like you were quoting from the song Sympathy for the Devil. You've heard it right? Rolling Stones.

[...But it's Judeo-Chistians. Judo-Christians sounds like a Kung-Fu joke.]

And, if you scrape even further down, it was Zarathustra who started off the whole God versus Evil thing, way before the Jews. Even more interesting: the Zoroastrian (Parsi) gods were called Ahuras, and their demons were called Daevas. Pretty cool eh?
I guess you are right...But there is something that I have thought of in my head that I failed to capture in this post...thats why i didnt like it too much...anywez glad u guys enjoyed it...And Yohan your post had the look and lingo of a hardcore Science text(which I think you wanted) but what else did you want??...
Nothing else. Just an explanantion of (some) terms. For later use.
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