Just Vibrations. Nothing more. Nothing Less.
Well the Proper Birth of this Winter Season Blogging is commencing as I type. This season promises to be an interesting one.
We have the Straight ones on the left<-Me,Tuvok
,George (Gone for a 6) and Ms V. And on the Right The Clutterers -> Yohan,Mooman and Kria ( yes the Hindi idiom thingie). The Clutterers are more formidable as of now coz they are in better form. Tuvok has lost his Mojo, George refuses to go beyond criket, Ms V has had a family tragedy and I am well me.
The daunting force of his XLNC Murthy shall hopefully be sucked away by an equally daunting XLRI. Nothing can quell Yoko Ono Han. Ms Kria shows promise as both Straight and Clutterer. Lets see how her Karma forms.
Last but not least we have the arbitors=Salil,Pai and Mighty. May the Blogging begin. (Thundering applause)
Well one thing I noticed(recently) was the new line for Adidas. They bought Reebok if you remember and they are the biggest sports company out there at the moment. After all this they come out with a line that says "Impossible is Nothing". Raveesh Thomas could have thought up something better. Nike is way smarter.
Adidas has poor English too. I m so sorry for em.

Actually this ad isnt too bad...
Yohan didnt like my poetry (Murthys blog) one bit...He literally farted after reading it...Well one try...Who cares..but he ended our chat on a good note tho..Be Truly Creative..