Just Vibrations. Nothing more. Nothing Less.
It was said in The Republic (by Plato) that Democracy sucks. The problem with Democracy according to the debaters in that book was that the dogs would begin to act as Lions,Cows would walk as Horses and Pigs would start flying. Hmmmm.
According to some Hindu forecasts this age is supposed to be Kalli Yug.Its sposed to be another age of destruction....ummm but theres no world war.Isnt the Human race progressing?Its all cool isnt it?
Let us look at the problem more closely.In South India you will see many old Temples.Temples that are as old as a millenium.Now the oldest of these were made of Stone.They were literally cut out of HUGE boulders.Why did the engineers then do this?because they wanted it to last.

Now lets look at something The Americans made-

Every single thing you see in this pic has to be cleaned,repaired,replaced and maintained.Not exactly progress according to me.In time the whole bridge needs to be replaced to make it last.
Coming back to The Republic and the Kalli Yug.This era of human existence isnt exactly about the human race moving forward.Its more about individual freedom and the power that comes with that freedom.Let me quote one more line from Plato "The excess of liberty, whether in States or individuals, seems only to pass into excess of slavery".
I was chilling with my friends who play Vball.All of them respectable young working men.One guy works for the Public Warehouse Company.They lease contracts for companies.The American Army had signed a contract with them for around 400 drivers.PWC quoted the least price and won the contract but The Americans didnt read the contract properly.400 Philipinoes who came into the country were fired as soon as they landed because they didnt live up to American expectation(not in contract).
What I am trying to say is Our populations cannot be fluid forever.The destruction or the third world war cannot be seen with our own eyes.The destruction and the war is in the replacement and constant change in the world.True it happens in the jungle too but the pace in a "natural" environment has a specific rhythm.
But as humans we get used to all of it.We all get shoved around by Money.Thats ok...as long as the future is.....what...
Hmmm...Imagine there were another revolution that would make ppl think that our times were evil and their times better...what would their lives be like?