Call of the Aether.

Just Vibrations. Nothing more. Nothing Less.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


The Sun Shines yet again...

Today, Sunday the 27th is a good day...All good days like good movies start of with a bumpy ride and ends well..As much as critics and Esoterics love their niche movies that suck ass (like Adoor Gopalakrishnan) theres nothing like a good ending...Thats why you must set up your death as much as you set up your life...

Now amongst the ppl who have died in my life...
the most common kinds of death are...

1)Heart Attack..
The ending is usually...Your immediate family surrounds you in the party, at home or at some shopping mall...and you feel intense pain with your wife screaming all over the place and children crying and poof your gone...

If you survive..
The ending is usually....In the hospital surrounded by more family + much more friends...theres that annoying machine that keeps beeping...and ppl whispering "serious",
"very serious","critical","done for" etc...and suddenly you hear the dial tone...and everyone starts inevitably pass away

2)Car accident
The End is truly horrible...You are either driving or worse some asshole is driving...and one mother of a truck/bus decides to make sandwich outta you...Death is usually caused by firemen/policemen trying to pry you out
of the tinned meat can that was your car...

3)Genetic Illness.
The End is....kinda sadistic...You die slowly...but visibly...over a period of years you are just eaten away at...but the slow pace of it makes it more bearable than car accident...and everyone is nice to you coz you are dying...

The end is...worse than capital punishment...
Radiation, chemotherapy,loss of hair and what not...theres something very disgusting about cancer...Reminds me of what Agent Smith said to Neo...

You(Human Beings)move to an area...and you multiply...until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to..spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Humans beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet...and we...are the cure.

As in Aesthetically..theres something to cancer and Human progress...and it hits the most innocent ppl and humbles them and everyone around them...a true tragedy...and when the end comes...all you can do is leave the theater and be happy about your own life...

5)Old age...
The End is...upto you..this actually the ONLY way to die...but it can be bad...some ppl die puking and die painfully in your old age...which sucks ass...but my favorite is to die in your sleep...nothing like it...where your death is basically you going to sleep irritating relatives face....your just dreaming and poof..your gone...

Morbid. What brought this on?
Well I thought it to be funny...mebbe your just too dandy...
Err... I have to agree with Yohan. Its also not funny. My dad had a heart attack recently.
Whoa...not funny at all! And I have no issues with joke about death.

I thought you were sweetly listing out the various ways to croak.

I think the worst way is suicide, but maybe that's because one happened here recently, and I've been pondering over does anyone know that death is better?

But being awkward about death is common. My dad laughed when I told him about the suicide here. And I laughed when I was telling my sister. I also took inspiration from the image, to do that pic on my blog.

SO it's all good, what?
No offence to anyone...I m just trying to be blunt about the experience itself..Well contrary to popular belief I dont think Suicide is pathetic or cowardly...I think it requires balls...and There is the "Harakari??" culture in Japan which is all abt Honour and taking your life to save your honour is considered a good death...Its thought provoking..and People bow down in respect to the person who commited suicide...Kinda cool I must say...(happens in Godfather 2 too).
No offense taken. Have you ever been with someone through a heart attack? It isnt like you say really. (not that you should go through one if you can help it)
I dunno abt the bravery of suicide. Its all well and good to think wow what guts wen youre happy and ready to live. People who want to kill themselves find life scarier than death.
Precisely. Suicide is fascinating because of the heady mix of bravery and utter, utter cowardice.
This is weird, i was listening to "Suicide is Painless"...

ahem... Not the kind of a thing you wanna be or can be particularly wise about...

I suppose, the best way to go is when it is fast... or if it is slow but painless... imagine how beautiful each moment of your life will be when thinking ahead is not an option...
Yes it is Tuvok...Yes it is...There has to be a way of not looking at the future and still being responsible...
"There has to be a way of not looking at the future and still being responsible... "

So have you come across this way or are you wondering what it is...
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