Call of the Aether.

Just Vibrations. Nothing more. Nothing Less.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


David and Goliath

Okay, Arbit trippings yet again - Lets get to it.
I was playing "Command and Conquer" today and I was tripping. I also have been reading up on these snippets on cells. Eukaryotic cells have nucleuses while Prokaryotic dont. Prokaryotic cells- singles cellular cells can get as big as your hand and they are pretty powerful in their own way. They form diseases,cures and are almost omnipresent.
Now the human body is a Multicellular organism.We have many cells governed by one supreme consciousness-Us.Even though the Consciousness rules it is "Of the Cells".The Cells can dictate to the Supreme consciousness using tools such as pain, weariness,hunger,etc.I m trying to draw a correlation between a human organisation like a country with the human Bill Gates is the Supreme Consciousness in the multicellular organism of Microsoft.


Now playing cnc I can see how hard it is to coordinate multipronged attacks. Attacks that require subtlety and timing require more attention than full power attacks.All of it is all about coordination and thought dexterity. Thus ppl who manage large amounts of ppl are really Supremely conscious. The Chinese Head has to be a man of incredible management skills to coordinate a country of 1 billion ppl. You have to give it to such guys. They are the Supreme Consciousness of bodies where we are but bacteria floating around in the air.Blogs might give someone a cold or a cough (IIPM)but we are bacteria. David might get Goliath with a well aimed stone. But we dont deserve to take out these Goliaths so cheaply. How the hell do ppl like Laloo get to manage resources. There is a heirarchy in this world. All men are only equal when it comes to their personal lives.

Nice...what's the connection with The Iron Giant?


My project is on prokaryotic cells.Cell division by a biopolymer.
Heheheh trust Yohan to add a scientific fact to even the most abstract of rants.

I know what you mean about management tho, I am playing Baldurs gate rite now, and its a freakin nightmare controlling my party. They all have their own damn agendas and dont follow instructions.
I guess it comes down to discipline. The greatness of the leader depends on the discipline of the pple he/she leads.
Yup very true by dear Kria...I just did a practice test - scored badly...I mean really badly...anywez...will do better next time...
practise test for what dude? And laloo is out of Bihar and all.

The map of your thought process would be a really cool squiggle madhu. How the hell did you suddenly think of cells? When they were around all this time ;)

Yohan does that mean you are artificially producing cell division? Bad boy.
Yes,Yohan is vain...My dear friend Salil, the practice test is another Jugaad that turned out to be harder than I thought.. If it works I will let you know all about it...I had to go to to figure out the meaning of your eccentric terms(squiggle)..Other news...A supporting character in the final (Hopefully) chapter of Arbythea is played by you Salil....
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