Just Vibrations. Nothing more. Nothing Less.
This shaved head feels fantastic. Seriously I even look better without my hair.

I saw this most well structured (skeleton alert!!!) movie called Old Boy. Its a Korean movie. Very Disturbing and groce but very well made. The name is Old Boy. Boy what a twist it has in the end. The movie is #112 on IMDB. Dunno if it deserves that much attention but its worth a watch.

All of you know that my life in Kuwait is pretty sad but it has its clean points. I played Volleyball today and even though I am rusty and goofy it was a good trip. I also managed to do 3 clapping push ups (dunno what the technical term is) .
Going on to more serious matters lets talk abt ppl. Its so hard to talk to ppl as you grow older. Their minds harden and you wonder if yours is the same too. Thats why I like talking to kids especially smart ones. You can talk about anything and that too with coherence. Its almost as if ppl play a game as time passes moving from one level to the next and at some point they cant beat the harder level. The level that doesnt seem to have an exit, nothing higher- the top floor,the glass ceiling.
Whenever they wake up its the same level .No way out and no fire in em to find the way out. That level then becomes their reality and they tolerate it, care about it and in the end become it. I dont know what to do when I meet such ppl. Maybe they dont want my pity. Maybe someone else pities me.
Jesus Christ was born a Jew. Gautam Buddha was born a Hindu. Prophet Mohammed was born a non Believer. All three of em broke their levels at some point in their lives and entered a new exciting level. These 3 might make it seem like something esoteric but its not. Let me show you how.
Rules of the game-
1)There is always an exit and entrance to the next level.
2) The exit probably requires some great skill that can be mastered with practice .
3) The Bible says "the greater the hardship you go through the greater the reward at the end". Its actually the harder the level the greater you feel when you clear it.
4)You can be stuck in one level for years but" Everything must pass".
5) You can cheat and go to the next level but there ll be a price to be paid.
6)If you are stuck at one level and are at peace with yourself and that level then dying in that level would be a good death.