Just Vibrations. Nothing more. Nothing Less.
I just read the Hindu an hour back. In it was an article where some guy called Suresh Krishna says "There are only two things that the world respects;One is a well trenched military force and the other is a well trenched economic force".An Economic War. Hmmmm. Is there actually a war going on?? Who are the Victors and what happens to the loosers?? Lets begin the analysis.
My Dad if he were to be a part in this war would probably be a mercenary of sorts. He has no affiliations except to the job itself and the money it pays and hes survived well except for a few health problems. Tawakley would be a Jawan who just got promoted to lieutenant or something. What abt Misha Singh who works for an NGO and probably doesnt get paid? She would be a nurse who takes care of the victims of this war. Murthy is training for direct admission of Corporal. What abt Yohan? Mr Academic. Hmmm....He is gonna be working for R&D for companies fighting this war or he ll end up training ppl who might fight this war. Me. Philosophers I think will always be civilians. Che was a philosopher but then decided blood was his path.

There are three modes of power; blood, money and appeasement(politics). Blood is deemed too ganvaar to fight over in todays world except ofcourse by the Americans and Jehadis. So it shall be money. The fight is on. You fight in the day, bring up warrior children and then bring home the head of your enemy (which might be a nice car or microwave). Its all making sense to me now. How could I have not seen this ? Hmmmmm..Its like a secret deal between Shiva and Vishnu. Lakhshmi will Rule. Those who respect her will survive and those who dont can chill with Shiva. What a world.
Lets not leave it with a bitter taste. Lakshmi is the beautiful wife of Vishnu. She must have her purpose. What is the purpose of this war?? Mobile phones,microwaves and plasma tvs are good but what is actually going on. The answer is hard for me to realise as of now.Maybe it is for her to know and us to find out.
War Part II
Said Tuvok to the Madman one day,"Does it surprise you that there are only two forms of power... Economic and Military ?
Actually, Military power is a by-product of Economic power... for eg. Russia failed coz of its lousy economy and is now only recovering coz it is slowly regaining economic clout... at the other end is Japan and the Tiger economies... which aren't really militarily strong but can't be fucked with militarily...
This is not a new war anyway... colonialism and imperialism were no different... a struggle for economic power through military means...
Wars make it sound like a short-lived conflict... but its not... its been around forever... call it the Global Interaction or something...
the Renaissance, Scientific progress, culture and what not are all results of this process...
and like in Military wars, eventually every power will fall and be replaced..."
so what exactly did Tuvok do? He meshed everything well together and put everything in perspective. Something Yohan John could never ever do except ofcourse the whole flighty "music" scene but who cares abt all that anywez.
So Lakshmi has been active for sometime now. Through her power - the world has become smaller and communication has got us closer.I tell you this Global Interaction will go on till a new space is created as big as a point but powerful enough to hold 5 or 6 billion ppl right next to each other...all smsing and texting and bla bla bla...but whats the point again...it ll break down barriers...ppl will get more homogenised...Pluralism will survive...A huge single consciousness??...Earth Will then become alive and conscious as a planet..Hmmm...

Lakshmi what is going on?...is there something more...We are neither Gods nor Human beings at the moment...something in between...struggling to be one or the other..Its like being a part of a super mega experiment and trying to figure out what the experimentors are upto.