Just Vibrations. Nothing more. Nothing Less.
I sit here in front of my comp adjacent to the worst DVD player of all time which by the way is below the BEST DVD player of all time (which my dad disconnected) wondering how to write what I want to write.
Today's post obviously wont be fiction. Its about something else. Something real. Something Worldly. Yes? Hmm. I have many dreams. Of these some are practical. Some are more easily realizable than others. Here are some that can be realised but requires fortune and effort.
1) Sharing the waters with a Blue Whale Yeah baby. Swimming with a blue whale is on top of my list. Touching it would be awesome but then monkeys should not be too cocky. You might get hurt. Respect should always be accorded.

2) Touching General Sherman
If you thought The Blue whale was the largest organism on this planet think again. Its a tree called General Sherman which is located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in the United States east of Visalia, California. It weighs more than 6 blue whales and is freaking 2200 years old.

3) Hunting a Tiger with no guns -
Well no poison. No bombs. Just spears, arrows,a camera and your balls. I dont know how many of you have actually seen a wild tiger with your own eyes in the open with nothing between you and the tiger. I have and its exhilarating. This one was wild but it was in Corbett so it knew not to fuck around with open safari jeeps. From what I have heard from hunters/photographers is that there aint no animal as pricy as a tiger. Its like the most elusive celebrity ever. And its fierce and powerful. An awesome balance between pure strenght and agility. I hope I live.
4) Driving a SR 71 -
Haha. Now most of you might think oh its like a Ferrari or a Porche but sorry. The_UndeaD_ isnt so grounded. The SR 71 is THE fastest vehicle ever made. Its got a max speed of mach 3.2. Can you comprehend that? At a cruising speed of Mach 3 I can clock New York to Delhi in what a little over 4 hours. I can fly from Kuwait to Delhi in 45 minutes. Now I dont want to put a picture of this awesome machine on my blog . Heres the link.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/97/Lockheed_SR-71_Blackbird.jpgIsnt it Beautiful?
5) Reaching for the Moon -
Well today we can go into space and bounce around a lil bit for a million dollars. Tomorrow I am sure they ll let you touch the moon, mebbe even get a rock back , mebbe even allow you to leave Jakka there. Haha. Ahem. This Dream might not be that realistic coz as you can see it doesnt have its feet firm on earthly ground.
I called this post Divine Footprints because through these "dreams" I believe you can see the Power of the Gods not in a story or in Karma or in the universe out there but right her right now in Reality.
Well I think thats enough realistic dreaming for now. Everyone take care.
Tag urself if you have it in you.