Call of the Aether.

Just Vibrations. Nothing more. Nothing Less.

Monday, May 14, 2007



There were three of us. Radh, Leo and I (names have been changed). We were at this old house in the tropical hills of Kerala. Radh and I were playing around the house. If there is any doubt in the matter our friendship was Platonic. Leo was looking out of the window when suddenly he drew back and told me that there was an odd character walking around the house. For some reason something nipped me in my head when I heard it. There were alarm bells ringing but I didnt know why.
Radh and I got up and walked to the window. There he was walking around the property like nothing happened. He wasnt a big man. He had that standard brown maroon Dravidian colour. He was old but his wrinkles and his good health left you confused about his age. He was Savra. The Greenery around him appeared more green than ever and the earth he stood on was as red as blood. Last I heard he had died.
I looked at him and he smiled at me. That skewed Toddy smile. The Skewed smile then approached our window. The wooden windows of this house could either shut out the light completely or be left open. Though Radh and Leo had their senses straight I lost it. There was great danger about and our lives were threatened. Savra scared the shit out of me.
I pulled the window shut and screamed at the others to help me. The shutters banged shut and I pulled up the latch to fit it into the metal ring. Wrinkled fingers appeared in the gap between the shutters and pulled them open. Panic hit me and I told Leo to hold on to the shutters. I focused and found a scissor around. A Nose hair scissor- that curved and sharpened towards the end. I ran back to the window and stabbed wildly at the wrinkled hands. The soft skin took the first stab. The skin moved with the point of the scissor and dragged itself over the bones and muscles but the tip of the scissor didnt break the skin. I stabbed again and again but to no effect. Seeing this Radh and Leo also shat.
Savra then tore open the shutters.

Wow. I'm impressed. Seriously!

Evocative and scary! Does this story continue? I like it! was a dream I was hard making it a story...coz dreams dont usually make sense....anywez...I m glad u liked it.
That's the best part. That it doesn't make sense. And this Savra guy really seems scary. In an earthy, real sense, that doesn't need supernatural crap. I like the description of his skin.

You should write more dreams!
Yeah but I need to move beyond "scared the shit out of me"...or "I shat"...Can u think of anything other than a chill down my spine?
Well, perhaps you could talk of a cold clammy hand around your heart, or a nameless dread, or lurching terror. Play around with the old phrases and make your own. Don't be shy to use! Or some other resource.

As it stands it's not too bad.
Good stuff, did the name Savra come to you in the dream too? Some deja vu's also send chills down spines
Ekonomikrisis = Tuvok?
na, thats not me... good name though

dreams are a good subject to blog about, except one loses the "feeling".. fear, peace, excitement a few minutes or maybe a few hours after waking up...

There were a number of times I felt like writing about a dream but lost enthu before I could get to a computer...

wrote a post about solving my own murder one time
Tawakley you didn't send me your phone number.
Now where's that Maharabatha post
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