Call of the Aether.

Just Vibrations. Nothing more. Nothing Less.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


The Principles.

Is it possible to lead ones life guided solely by a bunch of Moral Principles? I dont know. They say Men of Discipline and Clarity know how to walk this talk. I want to walk it . For a period of two months I will push my life between 5 Principles. And what are they?
1) Face off - To never run away from one's duties. Do everything that must be done with not the end in mind but the path. To face it all with courage and patience.
2) Silence - To achieve stillness of the mind with no addiction to people or pleasures. To be able to achieve this state of mind at will.
3) Smiling only at the Blue Moon- To be hedonistic only for the highest pleasures rationing ones sensual high over long periods of time.
4) Completeness and fullness - This pertains to the first principal. Whatever must be done Must be done with finesse and completeness.

5) To be a Rock - To not be swayed by pleasure or pain. To try to be as objective as possible. The above mentioned principles may not be twisted or replaced.

Well these principles pertain to me only. They will have a totalitarian effect. Lets hope it works and works for the Best.

What a bore you are.
The accusation of boredom has nothing to do with your 5 principles of discipline. Your use of my name in the title of this post is what is colossally boring. I was about to advertize your blog, but how can I advertize a post with such a title?
Interesting Principles... and from an objective point of view, dare I say, I can't help but feel you're the last person who I can see following these...

hehehe.. that sounds insulting.. but its not intended that way...

Weren't you the guy who could convince anyone to do anything but not be able to change your own instincts!?

or have you changed a lot?
Hahaha...Okay Yohan...I will change ur the title If you have learnt the Principles of changing Contrast...
Well I changed the post Yohan...And Tuvok...You will have to decide for yourself when you meet me next.
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haha, Madhu I haven't met you for a long time man. I'd be "flabbergasted" if you can keep the five.

And who's comments do you keep deleting?
Mine. why the fuck did you delete it Madhu?
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This comment has been removed by the author.
Whoo hoo! Vaibhav, next time you comment, take a screenshot, so we'll know what was deleted.
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