Call of the Aether.

Just Vibrations. Nothing more. Nothing Less.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


The Reset Button

Hmmm...I m trying to put my thoughts into words..This post is in continuum with the where o where post...
Lets start anyways...
Guns have affected equality in Humanity to a great extent...Even if people have wealth,strength and is the one with the most destructive power who laughs last...Everyone knows this and it is an obvious fact today....
Guns do not distinguish between the rich, poor, white, black, blackbelt, Sumo, American president or Nu life slum dweller...Whoever you are...You are the same to a gun...


The shades are very gray when it comes to the ethical Values a gun imposes of the even has the capability of threatening that order..but this post isnt about guns...its about this Reset button that this era has brought upon all of us.
Let me explain...Guns marked the end of the Samurai in Japan...their techniques with the sword is unnecessary in this world...The Reset button was pushed and everyone was back to square one both the samurai and the farmer...because of the Gun..
Blogs do the same...Individuals have threatened an institution (IIPM) with the Reset button that blogs have given us...IIPM ads = My Blog
In the art world..The Reset button is the internet...Upload any movie,painting or music and Bang...its the same as the rest of it...The Mona Lisa=the google pic of the Mona Lisa
There are a lotta age old refined techniques that go through their own evolution and bring about great services to humanity and give great life to the human being commiting that action..but what is happening now is...through technological shortcuts the honour and the pride of that individual commiting that action is removed...just the service to humanity is done mechanically...with no honour...
eg-I like songs...and playing the guitar is romantic
...but rather than playing what I like on the guitar I m bound to the technological shortcut of winamp...there is no honour in me being a guitar player anymore....
Now you might think the fault lies with me...true but there is a strong slothfulness that technology tempts us with...
Democracy was the beginning of this Reset button...and everyone thinks its great...I dont agree...
Today that Reset Button is Very great...So great that it takes service to many ,maybe even millions of
ppl to keep your art alive...there are fields that are still one to medicine, teaching, sport etc that are still alive in their one to one form...but the technological threats are out there...just waiting to come in and take their place...

eg-the biggest companies in consumer electronics 10 years ago hold about only 30% of the market...who controls the rest?...No name Chinese manufacturers
...the art of technology has undergone Resetting....

Ok I m going to JUMP off the 50th floor now with trying to predict the future k...feel free to jump higher or lower with your comments...

Akhil Puri once said he wanted to invent the Magic Drug...You take it...And all will be fine...There wont be any issues...its a very metaphorical concept...

The Magic Drug that all of us are running after is total equality...if anyone looks better than you...or runs faster than you...or makes more money than take the magic drug and everyone is back to square a world of clones...


Whats funny that there is a strong undercurrent of Communism in this powerfully capitalistic world...
Instead of the infinite world opening up to us...the world is getting smaller...Instead of our lives getting more meaningful with worthier actions...The actions are getting easier with no meaning...

This post is just an analysis of where our Consumer/technocomfy/lack of any Tao in any action Philosophy is heading...I dont know what the solution is or if anyone really gives a shit if there is a problem...

Listening to music that we download for free, does not make us the same as the creator of the music dude...
It hurts the creator coz he doesn't earn from it, but then if he is doing it just for the money, it hardly matters doesn't it...

I know taht there is shift towards universal equality... sure it is in lumps and with distortions, but its there... but i think of it as a system edging towards an equilibrium...

The fact that people now have access to the same tools does not mean that they are equal! Some change has happenned (and will continue to happen) in the definition of honour... and there is a dumbing down effect as the masses become "consumers" best example is the mainstream media... but it is because of the same reset button that we have the opportunity to stand against it...

Whether we win or lose is hardly a matter of honour.
IIPM ads = My Blog

Which one are you saying is unworthy of being compared to the other?

In fact, its a good illustration of what i am saying, the Reset Button works both ways and diminishes that which is ungreat as well... IIPM ads for example!
Well the intention of playing the music could be,clothes, food, sex, etc...but the Awkath of a guitar PLAYER compared to that of someone who cant play is more...There is no honour in playing Winamp...
The Only way I see how we can stand against the dumbing of the masses is in some art just hope they dont invent some software that writes better than most of us...
Ya, thats what i am saying... the composer has more Awkath than the listener... so what are you unhappy with?

And think of it this way... winamp exposes little kids - who may have the potential to be composers themselves - to one man's art... then they can take it whichever way they want...
Dude...actually there is no issue...

What I am saying is...

Leaving on a jet plane mp3 is not = John Denver singing for you personally...

What you are saying...

Leaving on a jet plane mp3 might inspire someone to pick up the guitar...
I agree....

But dont you think that having John Denver playing it live (or anyone for that matter) can be equally or MORE inspiring...

I understand that winamp has more reach than someone playing the guitar...but that is the shortcut...the guitar player has been reset to a click on the mouse....
aah... You mourn the passing of the good old days when famous singers used to drop by on request and sing songs while you brushed your teeth?

And now, since they don't even visit the continent, we have to listen to mp3s!

(Wo! I just got my sarcasm back!)
Its an issue of practicality surely. John Denver did play for millions in his concerts, but it would be unlikely that he would be willing to show up and serenade you wenever you felt the urge to hear him. I dont think technology cheapens art at all. I think its much more important to educate as many people as possible, whatever the means. The reset button as you termed has had many very important pluses. Surgeons can now practise without digging up bodies, or without bodies at all for example. I agree that the gun is a bitch, but then everything has a dark side. A pillow, a washing machine, a microwave. The gun didnt fail us. As a race we are just a bunch of fuck ups.
Ufffff...All intellectual sensitivites have been jarred by Ms Krias argument...its not a Tech Vs Human being argument...
nor is it abt Tech cheapening art...this Post is abt ppl...dont simplify it...lemme give you an eg of what I am talking abt...

Imagine there be a surgeon whose skills were renowned in his city and the world...His art could only taught with years of training and discipline and not many people knew it...Now imagine if Ranbaxy made tablets that solved the problem that this surgeon used to tablet and poof problem gone...Surgeon unnecessary anymore...the whole art and life of that surgeon is destroyed with the birth of that tablet...Thats the issue...the Honour of the surgeon is Lost...
In that case I agree with Vaibhav. If the surgeon is really honorable he will be delighted that his work can be done more efficiently and more people can be saved. If he is really caught up in the money and glory then he isnt particularly honorable anyways. Your argument isnt very convincing...
Haha...well atleast you got the argument...People will always is called Progress and theres no stopping it....but what if tomorrow they make an engine that generates oxygen...we wont need trees anymore...the expertise of the surgeon might be worthless to the ppl since they have their tablet...but I dont think might not agree with me...its very easy to turn a blind eye to those who are trodden on by the wheels of progress...but I empathise with em...There is something particularly sad about the death of an old proven Art that works...
Yea man, I remember we were talking about the same trees example once in College, when i was trying out for Deb Soc... the topic was "THBT Environment should be given priority over Development" or something of that sort... you ended with the memorable words "Fuck the Environment, I am telling you that when human beings progress we will find the means to create our own environment"

hahehehe... good times.

Anyway, that was just a trip down memory lane...

what i am saying now is that even that surgeon replaced some village priest... had we be born a little earlier, we would have mourned the passing of the spiritual era...

The point is eventually every technology is likely to be replaced.. we only get attached to our contemporary ones...

the means change and the ends remain the same... we can feel sorry when human beings decide that the beauty of nature is not needed.... but, from an unattached point of view, it doesn't matter if tommorow, they come up with some sort of "holodeck technology" which creates artificial images of forsts and mountains, controls how pur the air is, and plays digitally enhanced bird calls...

The art remains, you'll only miss the trees coz you are emotinally attached to them...

(Thats not a fact of course, its what i suspect...)
Did I say that??...anywez
...Wise words Tuvok(except
for unattached->detached)..
Tel someone who cares... :)
but youre just making a point about the redundancy of people in the face of technology. and it seems to me that in this scenario, people have the ultimate power! and artists the most! take grammar for example, a computer can't handle it. no matter WHAT! it wld be the monkey at the typewriter producing shakepeare.
ok, a more conrete example. you take the best digital camera in the universe. and you take the mest software in the universe. and you have this fabulous sunset over the sea with the clouds outlined in gold and light falling on the sea in rays. you need the person to get that picture right, you need someone with the human eye - which will discern all the aspects of this picture and adjust the contrasts to make it work, and then you need the brain that knows what to do to recreate it on film, because if you set up that camera to shoot it just like that, you wont get it.

- courtesy lyvbcyg
Such seriousness in a post by Master M!

I haven't read all these comments, but this much I can say:

1. Long Live Piracy. The White Stripes will lose nothing, but hopefully Britney Spears will.

2. Guns kill poor people. Hullo.

3. Bertolt Brecht once desribed artists as people who, on a sinking ship, paint pictures. (I feel guilty now!)

4. Art must work with the technology of the age. After all, the medium is the message, rather often these days.

5. "Tel someone who cares... :)...Yohan" - Eh?
Guns kill poor ppl??...
obviously dude...dont simply start a debate...what do you think i wrote there?
"Guns do not distinguish between the rich, poor, white, black, blackbelt, Sumo, American president or Nu life slum dweller...Whoever you are...You are the same to a gun..."

What I meant was: not really.
Really...If you were to bring Bill Gates in front of a gun and pull the trigger what do you think will happen??

Now I know ur retort is going to be statistics
...that more poor ppl die by the gun...agreed...but thats not what I said...what i meant is -> ref above statement...
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