Just Vibrations. Nothing more. Nothing Less.
Hmmm...I m trying to put my thoughts into words..This post is in continuum with the where o where post...
Lets start anyways...
Guns have affected equality in Humanity to a great extent...Even if people have wealth,strength and wisdom...it is the one with the most destructive power who laughs last...Everyone knows this and it is an obvious fact today....
Guns do not distinguish between the rich, poor, white, black, blackbelt, Sumo, American president or Nu life slum dweller...Whoever you are...You are the same to a gun...

The shades are very gray when it comes to the ethical Values a gun imposes of the world...it even has the capability of threatening that order..but this post isnt about guns...its about this Reset button that this era has brought upon all of us.
Let me explain...Guns marked the end of the Samurai in Japan...their techniques with the sword is unnecessary in this world...The Reset button was pushed and everyone was back to square one both the samurai and the farmer...because of the Gun..
Blogs do the same...Individuals have threatened an institution (IIPM) with the Reset button that blogs have given us...IIPM ads = My Blog
In the art world..The Reset button is the internet...Upload any movie,painting or music and Bang...its the same as the rest of it...The Mona Lisa=the google pic of the Mona Lisa
There are a lotta age old refined techniques that go through their own evolution and bring about great services to humanity and give great life to the human being commiting that action..but what is happening now is...through technological shortcuts the honour and the pride of that individual commiting that action is removed...just the service to humanity remains...it is done mechanically...with no honour...
eg-I like songs...and playing the guitar is romantic
...but rather than playing what I like on the guitar I m bound to the technological shortcut of winamp...there is no honour in me being a guitar player anymore....
Now you might think the fault lies with me...true but there is a strong slothfulness that technology tempts us with...
Democracy was the beginning of this Reset button...and everyone thinks its great...I dont agree...
Today that Reset Button is Very great...So great that it takes service to many ,maybe even millions of
ppl to keep your art alive...there are fields that are still one to one...like medicine, teaching, sport etc that are still alive in their one to one form...but the technological threats are out there...just waiting to come in and take their place...
eg-the biggest companies in consumer electronics 10 years ago hold about only 30% of the market...who controls the rest?...No name Chinese manufacturers
...the art of technology has undergone Resetting....
Ok I m going to JUMP off the 50th floor now with trying to predict the future k...feel free to jump higher or lower with your comments...
Akhil Puri once said he wanted to invent the Magic Drug...You take it...And all will be fine...There wont be any issues...its a very metaphorical concept...
The Magic Drug that all of us are running after is total equality...if anyone looks better than you...or runs faster than you...or makes more money than you...you take the magic drug and everyone is back to square one...like a world of clones...

Whats funny that there is a strong undercurrent of Communism in this powerfully capitalistic world...
Instead of the infinite world opening up to us...the world is getting smaller...Instead of our lives getting more meaningful with worthier actions...The actions are getting easier with no meaning...
This post is just an analysis of where our Consumer/technocomfy/lack of any Tao in any action Philosophy is heading...I dont know what the solution is or if anyone really gives a shit if there is a problem...