Call of the Aether.

Just Vibrations. Nothing more. Nothing Less.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Oh God, Help me Out!!

The list of screwy practise tests continue...I keep achieving lower and lower scores...what the fuck is going on??....I even started praying...I didnt like to pray...but now I m forced to reckon with it.

It seems to be an inexplicable want for something where not getting it is a travesty...a unbearable tragedy. Such want is disgusting from one perspective and inspiring from another. It shows that the creature is alive yet bound to the chains of life. Sorry for the dramatic description about a graduate exam but this is Madhu, bear with me. I am even forced to reckon with God in a new way because of this exam.


In my original belief (CoD) I believed that the whole setup was already written...the path and destiny already set...All we had to do was walk through it...Then In the last samurai I heard a line..Some guy asks someone..."You think that is our Destiny??"...then the someone replies..."A man does what he can till his destiny is revealed"...The setup changes at this point from a director watching his movie (where we are but one of his many characters who walk in pre defined paths) the living room of the creator of an interactive game sitting with you watching you play his game...and You pray for guidance.
The Christians believe it is all a test and the harder the journey the more rewarding the end...Buddhists dont give a shit...Hindus probably believe it is but a part f my karma...Maybe the weed burnt up my brain... Maybe I need to understand there is a higher power and bow...hmmm...Pray for me.

Im actually raher peeved tha you are having doubts about the whole Coffin of Darkness thing considering how much time you took explaining the thing to me.
Its always hard to accept things are predestined when they ae going badly, I mean who wants to know that they were predestined to be a loser? But why not??? There have to be losers after all. Maybe thats it Madhu. Maybe thats your destiny, and you shouldnt fight it...
Ahem...thank you so much for your support.
Awww dont feel bad, I was only kidding. Im sure youll do well (well im not sure, but you might!). I dont pray really, slight conflict with my aetheism, but I will hope very hard.
Haha...I just got let off by a cop for not having my papers...and My exam is postponed by 2 days...a good day on the whole...Good Hoping Kria..:)
What can I say? Im talented...
(U may kiss my ring)
I am going the oter way these days.. from atheism i mean...

I think God is kinda like a parent (not such an original idea so far...)... omniscient but not Omnipotent... (maybe original, i dunno haven't really been paying attention)

You go where you take yourself but you gotta believe you can get there... and u need to be unscientific and spiritual to believe tat you can do whatever...

and i sound like my mom...

anyway, its not so much that you owe it to God... its more like you owe it to yourself...
Prayer is sometimes like alignment. Destiny is written but not definite. We can chose one of many possible futures, and prayer aligns us with the unseen laws that hold these futures together at their starting point: the present.

I find myself liking Taoism more and more.

My prayers go out/up for you.
Bhosadi ke, kaisa hua?

I find myself speaking
Kaustubhism more and more...
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