Call of the Aether.
Just Vibrations. Nothing more. Nothing Less.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
An Interview With Shiva
Grim Silence as the Studio Audience waits...The Host paces up and down....Heavy steps are heard...A huge Man enters with thick, worn, hanging dredlocks.He is dirty, strong and has a scent of violence...He seats himself..
The Host sits and the Show starts..
Ladies and gentlemen...The only man whos third eye isnt blind...I give you Shiva...
(No Applause...Eerie silence)
Ahem...Lord Shiva...We were just talking to the Devil yesterday...He stated that his existence was not real...Are you real??
Shiva:Well...I am more real than the Devil...The Devil is more of a facade compared to me...I am THE Destroyer...
Okay...Would you say that the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were attributed to you?...
Shiva:haha...You are funny...No...Those were the Americans...You dont understand..I Destroy...After my work...there would be no Hiroshima or Nagasaki..
Hmmm....Please explain..What would YOU use...if not a Nuclear bomb...
Shiva:Well my methods are different...When I dance only the Preserver can determine who survives...because his skills of Preserving match mine of Destroying...So if I had my way...There would be nothing...this studio...that audience...This Seat.. nothing....
Ahem...Total Anhilation...The End of the Universe as some people might say...
Shiva:oh yes,You get nice coffee there...

Yes...Enough about your work...tell us about yourself...
Shiva:Well I live in the Himalayas...I have a wife and 2 sons...
Hmmm...Very nice...They say you sleep a lot...
Shiva:Yes I do...
I cant help mentioning that the Devil was talking about the very same thing yesterday...He called it a deadly sin...Sloth...
Shiva:yes it is from His perspective...In fact my favorite Sins would be Wrath,Sloth and Lust...
Lets talk about your Wrath...Your past record states that you defaced one of your sons...
Shiva:Regretably Yes...It was an unfortunate incident...but I do have my solution to that problem..
Shiva draws an Immense MahaChillum...and fills it up with green material...He hoists the Chillum up above his mouth and lights it up....followed by a mother of a Pull...that blazes the top of the Chillum...The Host pulls back...A Cloud of smoke escapes Shiva's lips filling the studio...the Audience and the Host cough and feel light headed...
Cough Cough...Ahem...Dont you think that this solution is commiting One Sin to right another??
Shiva:I do not believe in Sin...A person with my Power and Purpose cannot be active throughout Eternity...The Ganja helps me to step back from the circle of life and observe the restless pace of life from outside...It helps you to achieve objective peace...You begin to see the life behind everything...and the beauty of it all...
And this Ganja...also lets you slumber
Shiva:Do not underestimate the healing powers of a long peaceful leads to clarity and enthusiasm during wakefulness...
ok...lets talk about Lust...Your sex life is the stuff of legends...what do you think about this kind of publicity?..and the fact that your sex life has led the ppl to worship even your penis...
Shiva:Well...its a symbol of Virility and strength...and abt the publicity...I think the Kama Sutra was the cause of that...
Haha..yes yes....let us go on to more serious matters then...You are the God of Destruction...You say that there is a beautiful life behind everything...How does it feel to be the cause of death to so much that is beautiful
Shiva:Well...All that is beautiful cannot be saved for ever...that would be partial to the Truth... Only the Truth is eternal...everything else must pass...It is my Dharm to impose this order...
You are very humble inspite of the fact that you hold the most potent of all powers...Destructive power...Why is that so?
Shiva:My power is final...too final even for me...therefore I respect it and I respect all that I destroy
Lord Shiva...thank you VERY much..
Saturday, October 22, 2005
An Interview with Satan
No introduction needed for our guest today...We all know him...Ladies and Gentlemen this is Lucifer.
So Mr Mephistopheles...tell us more about yourself..
Satan:Well...honestly...I m not so bad...its just the Judo-Christians who made me so infamous...When I was created by..let me re iterate...I was created by the all powerful God...and He created me for a reason...
You were created...hmmmm...but many look at you as his counterweight...his yang...the imbalance for the that the reason...
Satan:No,no,no...the reason is more subtle...The saying goes that the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to make the world believe that he doesnt exist...I dont...I m not "real" in the true sense of the word....uhmmm...I am the weed that grows in your garden...the wind and the snow that blows down on the mountain climber...I am all the pleasures in the world...I am the jail where people suffer their pain...I make fun of everything and have respect for nothing except Time...
Why Mr Mephistopheles...I didnt know that you were responsible for anything except sin...
Satan;haha...well thats how the media has been treating me...Some people...they treat me with anger,resentment and expulsion...lets put such treatment as grade A.Now there are those who fight me and manage to win the battle at points with concentration and discipline peacefully.Lets put such treatment as grade B.As you can see Grade A ppl are more tense...they treat me with fear and emotion...Grade A ppl might win the battles but loose the war..Grade B ppl are better off at winning the war..
The War Mr Mephistopheles...what are you talking about...
Satan:Forgive me...My job is such...People like to dualise black or white...good or evil and such....there are evil times in my life...The war with man starts of as a fly bugging him and might end up in fratricide or insanity...why is there such a force in life?....its not upto is upto the individual...the more they ask for evils the more I give them...
Hmmm....Name some of these Evils...
the most popular ones are sloth, greed, gluttony, lust, pride, wrath and envy.They are the most famous ones coz theres an infinite supply of em...You can ask as much of these evils till u die supplicating to it...
Who is your greatest friend?
Satan:Time...On a long enough timeline ,everyone falls...The Only Person who can beat one who can beat Time...that is the war...and the Victor almost always is Time...
What will befall those who fall for your evils...and those who do not...
For those who will be tempted...time will change everything...and those who do not...time will be to their advantage...
As simple as that?
As simple as that...
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
The Reset Button
Hmmm...I m trying to put my thoughts into words..This post is in continuum with the where o where post...
Lets start anyways...
Guns have affected equality in Humanity to a great extent...Even if people have wealth,strength and is the one with the most destructive power who laughs last...Everyone knows this and it is an obvious fact today....
Guns do not distinguish between the rich, poor, white, black, blackbelt, Sumo, American president or Nu life slum dweller...Whoever you are...You are the same to a gun...

The shades are very gray when it comes to the ethical Values a gun imposes of the even has the capability of threatening that order..but this post isnt about guns...its about this Reset button that this era has brought upon all of us.
Let me explain...Guns marked the end of the Samurai in Japan...their techniques with the sword is unnecessary in this world...The Reset button was pushed and everyone was back to square one both the samurai and the farmer...because of the Gun..
Blogs do the same...Individuals have threatened an institution (IIPM) with the Reset button that blogs have given us...IIPM ads = My Blog
In the art world..The Reset button is the internet...Upload any movie,painting or music and Bang...its the same as the rest of it...The Mona Lisa=the google pic of the Mona Lisa
There are a lotta age old refined techniques that go through their own evolution and bring about great services to humanity and give great life to the human being commiting that action..but what is happening now is...through technological shortcuts the honour and the pride of that individual commiting that action is removed...just the service to humanity is done mechanically...with no honour...
eg-I like songs...and playing the guitar is romantic
...but rather than playing what I like on the guitar I m bound to the technological shortcut of winamp...there is no honour in me being a guitar player anymore....
Now you might think the fault lies with me...true but there is a strong slothfulness that technology tempts us with...
Democracy was the beginning of this Reset button...and everyone thinks its great...I dont agree...
Today that Reset Button is Very great...So great that it takes service to many ,maybe even millions of
ppl to keep your art alive...there are fields that are still one to medicine, teaching, sport etc that are still alive in their one to one form...but the technological threats are out there...just waiting to come in and take their place...
eg-the biggest companies in consumer electronics 10 years ago hold about only 30% of the market...who controls the rest?...No name Chinese manufacturers
...the art of technology has undergone Resetting....
Ok I m going to JUMP off the 50th floor now with trying to predict the future k...feel free to jump higher or lower with your comments...
Akhil Puri once said he wanted to invent the Magic Drug...You take it...And all will be fine...There wont be any issues...its a very metaphorical concept...
The Magic Drug that all of us are running after is total equality...if anyone looks better than you...or runs faster than you...or makes more money than take the magic drug and everyone is back to square a world of clones...

Whats funny that there is a strong undercurrent of Communism in this powerfully capitalistic world...
Instead of the infinite world opening up to us...the world is getting smaller...Instead of our lives getting more meaningful with worthier actions...The actions are getting easier with no meaning...
This post is just an analysis of where our Consumer/technocomfy/lack of any Tao in any action Philosophy is heading...I dont know what the solution is or if anyone really gives a shit if there is a problem...
Monday, October 17, 2005

Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Oh Where o Where
It was said in The Republic (by Plato) that Democracy sucks. The problem with Democracy according to the debaters in that book was that the dogs would begin to act as Lions,Cows would walk as Horses and Pigs would start flying. Hmmmm.
According to some Hindu forecasts this age is supposed to be Kalli Yug.Its sposed to be another age of destruction....ummm but theres no world war.Isnt the Human race progressing?Its all cool isnt it?
Let us look at the problem more closely.In South India you will see many old Temples.Temples that are as old as a millenium.Now the oldest of these were made of Stone.They were literally cut out of HUGE boulders.Why did the engineers then do this?because they wanted it to last.

Now lets look at something The Americans made-

Every single thing you see in this pic has to be cleaned,repaired,replaced and maintained.Not exactly progress according to me.In time the whole bridge needs to be replaced to make it last.
Coming back to The Republic and the Kalli Yug.This era of human existence isnt exactly about the human race moving forward.Its more about individual freedom and the power that comes with that freedom.Let me quote one more line from Plato "The excess of liberty, whether in States or individuals, seems only to pass into excess of slavery".
I was chilling with my friends who play Vball.All of them respectable young working men.One guy works for the Public Warehouse Company.They lease contracts for companies.The American Army had signed a contract with them for around 400 drivers.PWC quoted the least price and won the contract but The Americans didnt read the contract properly.400 Philipinoes who came into the country were fired as soon as they landed because they didnt live up to American expectation(not in contract).
What I am trying to say is Our populations cannot be fluid forever.The destruction or the third world war cannot be seen with our own eyes.The destruction and the war is in the replacement and constant change in the world.True it happens in the jungle too but the pace in a "natural" environment has a specific rhythm.
But as humans we get used to all of it.We all get shoved around by Money.Thats long as the future is.....what...
Hmmm...Imagine there were another revolution that would make ppl think that our times were evil and their times better...what would their lives be like?
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Into Da Night
Well the Proper Birth of this Winter Season Blogging is commencing as I type. This season promises to be an interesting one.
We have the Straight ones on the left<-Me,Tuvok
,George (Gone for a 6) and Ms V. And on the Right The Clutterers -> Yohan,Mooman and Kria ( yes the Hindi idiom thingie). The Clutterers are more formidable as of now coz they are in better form. Tuvok has lost his Mojo, George refuses to go beyond criket, Ms V has had a family tragedy and I am well me.
The daunting force of his XLNC Murthy shall hopefully be sucked away by an equally daunting XLRI. Nothing can quell Yoko Ono Han. Ms Kria shows promise as both Straight and Clutterer. Lets see how her Karma forms.
Last but not least we have the arbitors=Salil,Pai and Mighty. May the Blogging begin. (Thundering applause)
Well one thing I noticed(recently) was the new line for Adidas. They bought Reebok if you remember and they are the biggest sports company out there at the moment. After all this they come out with a line that says "Impossible is Nothing". Raveesh Thomas could have thought up something better. Nike is way smarter.
Adidas has poor English too. I m so sorry for em.

Actually this ad isnt too bad...
Yohan didnt like my poetry (Murthys blog) one bit...He literally farted after reading it...Well one try...Who cares..but he ended our chat on a good note tho..Be Truly Creative..
Monday, October 10, 2005
Ashim and the Circle
In the immediate vicinity of our times, there was once a Sage and a Pupil.They lived on the slopes of the Himalayas. The Sage had left the future and past behind him in the hope of relieving himself from the chains of the circle of life.He was teaching about this very circle one day to his disciple Ashim.Sage:"So as you can see only through hard concentration and stillness of the mind can you escape the cycle of Karma and Rebirth"
The day was beautiful,the sage looked upon the trees on the neighbouring mountain.The peace and greenery befitted everything and everything was in place.From the corner of his eye the sage sensed an out of place smile.
Ashim smiled a sly grin,"Teacher but why is it that the people of the world are outnumbering themselves...whose Karma is that??....Where are all these extra souls coming from?...Is it from aliens??...There has to be something wrong doesnt it??".
The Sage's eyes opened wide,thunder and lightning exploded from it,"You insolent child....I will teach you where the Karma comes from."
Ashim sat back frightened as the Sage cursed him.
The world went blue and then Red .In the end all was Green. Ashim couldnt believe it. He was surrounded by billions of gooey fellow-whatevers. Ashim tried to goo his way around but it was hard. Out of the gooeyness came a beautiful goo thingie with a long tail.
Said the Goo to Ashim,"Hello Ashim,I m Uh-Dam , a sperm.You are an Amoeba.We are timeless .Welcome to Eternity."
Ashim felt sad at what had happened to him.The Sperm circled around Ashim and flicked it with its tail.Ashim looked up and asked,"Do you know why I am here?".
Said Uh-Dam,"Uh,Damn I dont know but I do know some one who might....Follow me."
The Sperm then took off.Ashim pseudo-podad his way through microscopic spaces trying to catch up with Uh-Dam.The scenery was brilliant.The whole universe was alive and heading somewhere.There was no gravity so all of Space was filled up with the gooeys.
Ashim,"My father told me that this is where life started"
Uh-Dam,"Well he was right...partly atleast...See for all of life...when they reproduce , the life of the offspring starts in this world,as a gooey and we send it from here to the World of time..The gift of life starts only from us...The Gooey...and for the Gooey there is no time"
Ashim,"No time....I dont understand it"
Uh-Damn,"Dont worry...You will...You need to see it to understand it"
And they moved through space, Uh-Dam circled around a black hard body floating in nothingness...
Uh Dam in a low ramble,"Nah Oy....Nah Oy....Oh Beginning of us all....Wake up....There is one who needs ur help"
The Black Stone began to shake and tremble
....Gooeyness formed in nothingness....and Nah Oy was awake...
Uh Dam to Ashim,"Meet Nah Oy....the first of us Gooeys....In all of us resides his power..."
Ashim bent low,"Your Eminence....One who knows all...Why am i here??"
Nah Oy,"Your father sent you here for a reason,my child....A reason that should be obvious to you very soon..."
Ashim,"Hmmmm....Your Prominence,We were talking about the Karmic cycle and rebirth....and I mentioned souls...Ofcourse...He wanted to show me that even in this world....The cycle of Karma works...."
Nah Oy,"yes yes...Tell me how it works...."
Ashim,"well....Uh Dam told me this world is timeless....and you are the first of the gooeys....and I am here even though we are of different times...."
Nah Oy, "You are getting warm"
Ashim,"My Dad...My teacher should also be here....and I can right what I had done turning back my time"
Uh Dam:"Bingo my friend....You have got it..."
Nah Oy,"Now it is upto me...Uh-Dam will take you to your fathers loins before your time....and then you will see how it works...."
Ashim got onto Uh-Dam and Uh-Dam tailed his way into the Sages Loins.....and it all happened again....
Again in the immediate vicinity of our times there was a sage and a pupil.They lived on the slopes of the Himalayas. The sage had left the future and past behind him in the hope of relieving himself from the chains of the circle of life.He was teaching about this very circle one day to his son Ashim.
Sage:"So as you can see only through hard concentration and stillness of the mind can you escape the cycle of Karma and Rebirth"
The day was beautiful,the sage looked upon the trees on the neighbouring mountain.The peace and greenery befitted everything and everything was in place.He looked at his son and saw his sons pure knowing smile.That too was in place.
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